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2 Alternative Ways to Make Thank You For Your Understanding

 Better Ways to Say “Thank You for Understanding”

1Thanks for your comprehension.

This is actually a helpful phrase when communicating with non-native English speakers. For many non-native English speakers, “Thank you for your comprehension” is a cleaner and more coherent way to say it. Example:

I’ve attached the documents for your review at the bottom of this email. Thank you for your comprehension.

2I appreciate your flexibility.

Many times, when you thank someone for their understanding, you’re actually thanking them for allowing you to extend a deadline, forgiving you to change a meeting time, or explaining why you needed to stick to something. In these cases, “Thanks for your flexibility” better expresses your true feelings. Example:

I appreciate your flexibility in allowing me to move our meeting to tomorrow.

3I appreciate you sticking with me.

You can also use this phrase to thank someone for sticking with you over a longer period of time. Instead of thanking them for understanding the complexity of the problem you’re facing, thank them for sticking with you. Example:

Thanks for sticking with me while our lawyers firmed up the details of our contract.

4Thanks for listening.

We understand others by listening. If someone can understand why you made a certain decision or took a specific action, they have probably listened carefully to what you said, which is worth your recognition. Example:

That was a long presentation. I hope you found it valuable and know that I really appreciate you listening.

5Thanks for your compassion.

Do you make the mistake of forgetting to include an attachment in your email? Everyone makes mistakes, but when you send an apology email, be sure to praise the other person’s compassion. For example:

I apologize once more for the technical issues on our call today. We’re working to get those sorted out, and I’d like to thank you for your compassion on this issue.

6I’m thankful for your support and understanding.

Understanding doesn’t always equal support, but in some cases, understanding can also be support. If a prospect is offering you advice during a meeting with their team or supervisor, thank them for understanding the value of your product or service. For example:

There was some doubt in that meeting, but I really appreciated your support for what we do.

7I appreciate your dedication to digging into this issue.

Sometimes, understanding requires both parties to spend more time and resources to work on an issue. In this case, you always appreciate their extra work. Example:

Thanks for getting your hands dirty and digging into this issue with me. I think it will benefit our project moving forward.

8I’m grateful for your commitment to working through this.

Solving problems takes time. If a customer or prospect shows patience and perseverance in working with you to solve a problem, don’t just thank them. Be more specific and in-depth. For example:

I know it wasn’t easy working with your HR team to get that hiring data, and I know we’re not quite to the finish line, but I wanted to thank you for your commitment to working through this with me.

9Thanks for your expression of faith in my abilities.

When a customer or prospect takes the time to resolve a problem, it shows that they are committed to your product/service (or your abilities as a salesperson). When they have confidence in you, make sure that doesn’t go unnoticed. Example:

Thank you for supporting me in that meeting with your executive staff. I appreciate your faith in my abilities.

10I value your trust.

When a potential client arranges for you to give a presentation in front of their peers or executives, it means they trust you enough to give you the opportunity.

I appreciate the opportunity to speak to your colleagues about [Company name] and what we offer. I value your trust and will work hard to meet and — hopefully — exceed your expectations.

11Thanks for your encouragement.

When you make a mistake, a generous client or prospect may tell you that they understand. But rather than taking Chinese Overseas Africa Number Data their words at their word, thank them for their encouragement. Because when you know you let them down, it’s encouraging to receive support. For example:

I really dropped the ball when I forgot to invite your technical director to our meeting last week and wanted you to know how much your encouragement meant to me.

12Thank you for your cooperation/team work here

Sometimes you develop a collaborative relationship with your prospects/clients. In these cases, the extra effort they put in is well worth recognizing. For example:

I know this project required a lot of your time, and I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for your collaboration.

Showing gratitude the right way

The truly great business professionals are students of language, always looking for new ways to tweak and refine their communication Brazil Phone Number List styles and skills. Hopefully you’ll try these phrases out with your prospects and see how they can make your emails more human, more emotionally intelligent, and more personal.

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