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PageSpeed ​​​​Insights adds new Lighthouse speed metrics

Metric is that it helps isolate one factor (server responsiveness) that can have a negative effect on all other page load metrics that come after it.

That makes TTFB a very important metric to review for diagnostic purposes.

Anyone focused on improving Core Web Vitals should take a look at TTFB for a potential quick win.

What’s changed in TTFB is  austria mobile database that this is the first time it’s been available as a metric in the results section of PageSpeed ​​Insights .

Chrome will also collect and report TTFB field data for the first time.

Interaction with the following painting (INP)

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is a new metric that represents how long it takes to interact with the entire page, what Google calls “overall interaction latency.”

INP measures how long it takes to interact with the entire page, in contrast to First Input  phone number thailand Delay, which only measures how long it takes for the page to respond to a site visitor’s first interaction.

An example of a shopping page

Google uses an example of a shopping page to illustrate the difference between a good . INP and a poor INP.

The example of a shopping  ws database page shows a clickable image that generates a larger close-up version.

Also. An example of poor responsiveness is a user clicking on the image . And then waiting for something to happen while the larger image downloads to the browser . There is no feedback response to the click.

Another example of good . Responsiveness is a user .Clicking on the same image immediately responding with a page loading graphic communicating that the image request was received and is now loading.


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