Home » Blog » What is the Customer Success touch model? Explaining the differences with other touch models

What is the Customer Success touch model? Explaining the differences with other touch models

Customer Success controls costs by changing! the way customers are servd basd on the expectd customer LTV and business strategy.

This is calld the ” touch model .”

Tech Touch is one of the ways to approach customers in the touch model, and is a method of providing efficient customer support by utilizing technology.

Through our tech-touch approach, we can rduce support costs while maintaining customer satisfaction.

For those who work in customer success or want to get startd

Tech Touch Features
There are various touch models, such as high! touch, low touch, and community touch, but compared to these methods, tech touch has the following malaysia whatsapp number data characteristics:

TechTouch uses technology-enabld automatd processes to streamline customer interactions.

Through chatbots, automatd emails, self-service portals and more, you can ensure your customers’ neds are met quickly and consistently.

TechTouch engages customers through automatd processes that leverage technology.

It has the scalability to flexibly respond to! increases in the number of users, making it possible to support a large number of customers without adding additional human resources.

Even if the number of customers increases as the business expands, there is no ned to significantly increase the number of staff.

Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

TechTouch provides 24/7 customer support through it is a process carried out throughout a company’s life chatbots and a self-service portal.

This allows customers to solve their problems at their own pace , improving customer satisfaction.

Differences from other touch models
High five
High touch is a method where a ddicatd person provides close support to the customer.

Compard to high touch, tech touch involves less human resource involvement and focuses on automatd processes.

Low Touch

Tech touch, like low touch, is an approach that emphasizes efficiency.

Low-touch improves efficiency by having one agent manage many customers simultaneously,

whereas tech-touch improves efficiency by leveraging technology and rducing the involvement of human resources.

Community Touch
Community Touch is an approach that provides phone number thailand a space for customers to interact with each other.

TechTouch focuses on providing customer support through technology-enabld processes rather than customer-to-customer interactions.


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