Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

They’re particularly helpful for viewing on smaller screens, such as smartphones and the Nook from Barnes and Noble.


The MOBI format originated from the it cell number Mobipocket Reader software, which was purchased by Amazon in 2005 but was later shut down in 2016.

However, the MOBI file extension remains a popular ebook format compatible across the major e-readers (except the Nook).

While the format has some limitations, such as not supporting audio or video, it supports DRM, which protects copyrighted material from being copied for distribution or viewed illegally.

Newer Kindle formats are based on the original MOBI file types.


This is an ebook file type designed for finland cell phone number list the Kindle, an e-reader device by Amazon. However, users can also open this file format on smartphones, tablets, and computers through the Kindle app.


ODF stands for OpenDocument Format, a file type meant primarily for OpenOffice, a series of open-source content creation programs similar to Microsoft Office.


IBA is the proprietary ebook format for the Apple iBooks Author app. This format does support video, sound, images, and interactive elements, but it is only used for books written in iBooks. It is not compatible with other e-readers.

2. Choose a publishing platform.

When choosing a platform, consider factors like reach, royalty rates, distribution channels, ease of use, and the preferences of your target audience.

It may also be worth exploring regional or specialized ebook platforms depending on your ebook’s niche or target market.

Here are some popular options:

KDP is one of the most popular self-publishing platforms.

It allows you to publish and sell your ebook on the Kindle Store, accessible by millions of Kindle e-readers and Kindle apps.

KDP offers various promotional tools and provides global distribution options.

Apple Books

Apple Books (formerly iBooks) is the ebook platform for Apple devices, including iPhones, iPads, and macOS devices. It provides a seamless reading experience and allows you to publish and sell your ebook on the Apple Books store.

Barnes & Noble Press

Barnes & Noble Press (formerly Nook Press) is the self-publishing platform for Barnes & Noble, one of the largest booksellers in the keep your audiences when targeting with facebook ads United States. It allows you to publish and sell your ebook on the Barnes & Noble website and Nook devices.

Kobo Writing Life

Kobo Writing Life is an ebook self-publishing platform associated with Kobo e-readers and apps. It offers global distribution and the ability to set pricing, create promotions, and earn royalties from sales.

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