Product Demo
The more complex your product is! the more information your customers will need to use it correctly.
If your product or service has many use it cell number cases or it’s hard to set up alone! dedicate a brief ebook to showing people how to make the most out of it.
For instance! in the first section of your ebook! you can explain how to launch your product or service. The second section can break down the individual features and purposes that your product is best used for.
Our Ebook Template 2 balances photos and text perfectly! making it a great pick for a step-by-step product demo.
Perhaps you‘ve already sat down with an influencer to pick their brain about the industry’s future. Package this interview into an ebook! making it easy for your customers to read and share your inside scoop.
Our Ebook Template 10 is ideal for interviews with its pull-out quotes perfectly balanced with images:
A “playbook” is a document people can use when taking on a new project or concept that is foreign to them. Think of it like a cheat sheet full of tips and tricks that help your customers get better at what they do.
When done right! a playbook equips greece cell phone number list your customers with the information they would need to excel when using your product.
For example! a software vendor for IT professionals might create a “virus protection playbook” that makes support teams better at preventing viruses for their respective companies.
With its bold design! balance! and clear structure! our Ebook Template 4 is perfect for a playbook:
Blog Post Series
Sometimes! the best ebook for your business is already strewn across a series of blog posts. If you’ve spent the last month writing articles all on the same subject for your business! imagine how these posts would look stitched together.
Then! once this ebook is created! you can promote it on a landing page! link to this landing page from each blog post! and generate leads from readers who want to download the entire blog series in one convenient ebook.
Pro tip: Make each blog post a new “chapter” of your ebook. Get an idea of how this could look with our ebook templates below (this is Ebook Template 8):
Ebook FAQs
Are ebooks profitable?
Yes! they can be. Ebooks sell for good money online! even ones made in Google Docs using free tools.
Ebooks are high-volume! low-sales-price offers.
This means you’ll need to sell many of them at a relatively low price point to compete in the market and turn a significant profit. Depending on your industry! ebooks can range from free to more than $100.
Before setting a price for your ebook! do what is the lowest bid bidding strategy for facebook ads? some research. Determine who your audience is! what they’re willing to pay! and how many people within your target market might be ready to buy it.