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Benefits of in-house listing ads

Now let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of managing your listing ads in-house.


First, let me explain the benefits of in-house development.

Benefits of going in-house
  • Able to quickly turn around the PDCA cycle
  • Advertising can be managed by someone who understands your company’s products
  • Ability to accumulate know-how within the company
  • Reduce agency fees
  • You can start advertising with a small amount of money

Able to quickly turn around the PDCA cycle

The biggest advantage of in-house development is that it allows you to implement measures quickly.

A single person in charge at an advertising agency manages multiple corporate accounts simultaneously.


This means that requests such switzerland cell phone number list as account monitoring, keyword selection, and creative changes may not be responded to immediately .


Some agencies will specify in the contract the number of days required from the time of request to completion of the work.


However, with in-house operations, staff can constantly monitor the account, quickly verify and implement measures, and reflect them in the next steps.


You can make hypotheses and don’t be left out! keys to digital transformation in your company try detailed optimizations, so you can arrive at the best measures in the shortest possible time without wasting time and budget .

Advertising can be managed by someone who understands your company’s products

When production is in-house, operations are carried out by staff who are thoroughly familiar with the company’s products .


Not only are we knowledgeable about products and services, but we also understand which target audiences and what copy will resonate most with users, as well as the creative aspects that will make our company’s products appear more attractive.


Of course, advertising agencies also promote a variety of good products, but it is because the people promoting them business sale lead are in-house staff who understand the appeal of their own company’s products that they are able to create more polished copy and creative content .

Ability to accumulate know-how within the company

If you leave operations to an advertising agency, it will naturally become difficult to accumulate advertising knowledge and skills in-house.


Of course, the report will include information on achievements and issues, but the client needs to understand how the specific issues were addressed, rather than leaving it up to the management agency .


If you carry out operations in-house, all case studies will be accumulated as valuable assets within the company, allowing you to acquire and build up operational know-how.

Reduce agency fees

If you ask an agency to handle your operations, the standard commission is 20% of the advertising costs used .


For example, if you spend 1 million yen per month on advertising, you will pay 200,000 yen to the agency, for a total expense of 1.2 million yen.


In addition, there may be additional initial costs incurred for preparing for ad delivery , such as creating an account, selecting keywords, and writing ad copy .


In-house production reduces these costs and allows you to invest in other areas. So the cost benefits are significant.

You can start advertising with a small amount of money

There are many agencies that have conditions on the base budget or period, such as “from 300,000 yen per month” or “contract of six months or more.”


For example. Whether your monthly advertising costs are 100,000 yen or 500,000 yen. The amount of effort required for initial setup is not that different. Which is why we have set these conditions.


However, when you are just starting. To focus on web marketing. It can be a big hurdle to secure a large budget and make the decision to. Sign a long-term contract with a company you are doing business with for the first time.


On the other hand, by doing things in-house. You can run your advertising with a low budget of just a few thousand yen per day. And if things don’t go well, you can easily change your strategy or withdraw. Allowing you to carry out web marketing with low risk.
